I recently posted a story about how the colour blue had influenced my jewelry designs. Well, it hasn't stopped there! As many of you know, I love to decorate as much as I enjoy making jewelry and putting outfits together, and the colour blue has now spilled over (all over!) into my apartment. Strangely, as much as I like to change my decor a few times each year, I've never really embraced this colour until now. Pink, yes. White and black, for sure. Even touches of bold red. But somehow blue always seemed a little too... well, traditional, boyish, preppy. Until now. I've somehow come to see certain shades (French blue, robin's egg blue, Tiffany box blue) as quite sophisticated, tranquil and neutral enough that I hopefully won't tire of it by the time this post gets published! Here are a few bleu touches I've added around my home this past week. Tres chic, n'est pas?
Soaps in the le bathroom.
A vintage nightgown that had been folded in a drawer.
Festooning draped over an ornate mirror. Instant party!
Guess where I bought this hat? Yup! Goodwill!
Faded denim is perhaps the most perfect blue.
Coco wears a blue crinoline.
A length of ribbon cheers up my grandmother's stonewear.
These tiny blue boxes hold the most lovely tarnished tinsel bow-shaped seals.
Millinery roses and crepe paper.
New curtains against a faded velvet chair.
The dining table where I spend about 80% of my time.
My sofa is now fit for Marie Antoinette with the addition of a new blue pillow.
In my studio where I spend the other 80% of my time. ;)
Are you doing any spring / summer decorating? Please share your ideas with me! I'd love to hear about them!
What lovely decor and so pretty for summer! Marie Antoinette would approve and probably borrow your denim jacket :)